Polishing Tumbler KING 2 Price – $2,200


Polishing Tumbler with Regulator KING 2 Price – $2,600



KING 2   polishing tumblers find their optimum use in goldsmiths, optical and metal surfaces treatment sectors for metal trimming, polishing and shining operations. The working principle is based on tank rotate movement with rubbing of the pieces with smooth or abrasive particles, on the basis of  the  required final result. Particular inclination of the tank allows a double movement of the tumbling mass, with improvement of final result and of the working times. This kind of surface finishing allows an optimum result with capital and running cost extremely reduced.

Hermetic locking system of the tanks give the possibility to work in safety and hygiene conditions and
allows the recovery of precious particles removed during the working operations, by the water treatment in proper installations.

King tumbler is entirely made of hot – painted iron and is available in single or double anti – acid PVC tanks versions. Both models are equipped with instrument panel complete with main back – lighted switch and timer. Variable speed models are also equipped with electronic speed regulator.

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